For Generation Solar, RT-MINI II is the ideal mounting product.

For Generation Solar, RT-MINI II is the ideal mounting product.

The temperature in Ontario has extreme variations through the seasons. “We can get extreme cold, down to -30°F in mid-winter, up to a very humid 95°F in summer,” said Boone,...

Mar 16, 2023 AlphaSeal Technology
Roof Tech Earns Loyalty and Friendship from Voltaic Solaire

Roof Tech Earns Loyalty and Friendship from Voltaic Solaire

In 2017, Cesar Cruz, Director and Principal of Voltaic Solaire was searching for a way to install solar panels on a home where the roof had double shingles. “We knew...

May 17, 2022 AlphaSeal Technology
A Tiny Plexiglass House Featuring RT-MINI Closes Deals on the Spot

A Tiny Plexiglass House Featuring RT-MINI Closes Deals on the Spot

Nieves is so enthusiastic about the benefits of RT-MINI II he came up with a novel way to spread the word. “I wanted my customers to see the product up close for...

Apr 14, 2022 AlphaSeal Technology