Worried About Holes In Your Roof?
- on November 22, 2023
With interest rates on the rise, the cost of financing new solar systems has gone up, so installers have to be even smarter about choosing products. Read this month's blog to learn how Solar Power NW's founder, Ryan Lingenfelder, lowers his cost with the RT-APEX.
Stephen Vezina, owner, and operator of TreeTop Solar, Inc. in Nova Scotia, Canada, was intrigued by RT-APEX with AlphaSeal™ from the first time he saw it. “It was a brand-new product from Roof Tech at that time,” he said, “so we decided to give it a try,” Vezina explained that RT-APEX was the first rail-less mounting product his company ever used, and the results were impressive.
In late 2018, Joe and Mike put their idea into action. They rented a U-Haul® truck and trailer and installed a demo roof on the trailer with four solar panels featuring RT-APEX, Roof Tech’s rail-less residential roof mount featuring AlphaSeal™ Technology. It was the launch of the first RT-APEX Roadshow.
Roof Tech [E] AIR mounts were THE deciding factor in our decision to self (owner) install our PV system recently (July 2017). Without them we almost certainly would not have even attempted the installation.