For May Electric Solar, RT-MINI Passes the Test and Comes Out a Winner
- on June 08, 2021
- Categories: Roof Tech
William May, founder of May Electric Solar, had heard about Roof Tech US from a colleague in early 2018, so when he attended Solar Power International that September, he made a point of seeking out the Roof Tech team. “I immediately liked what I saw and connected with Matthias Herzog, Regional Sales Manager for Roof Tech’s Southeast Market,” said May. “I decided to test the RT-MINI and installed eight panels on the shingled roof of our own headquarters. It performed perfectly and I was impressed!”
Self-flashing and Roof Tech’s butyl rubber make RT-MINI a great choice for Florida heat.
May explained that the searing summer temperatures in Central Florida can shorten the life of most shingled roofs, even those with a 25-year warranty. “Most shingles get brittle and rip easily during a flashing installation,” he said, “so when it comes to installing solar panels, the less invasive, the better. Thanks to its self-flashing design and butyl rubber seal, RT-MINI always preserves the integrity of the roof.”
With its ease of installation, RT-MINI saves on labor and cuts training time in half.
As the company owner, May particularly appreciates the time- and cost-savings of using RT-MINI on their residential projects. “Since we started using RT-MINI, we are saving at least 25% in the time it takes to mount panels, and our training time is cut in half,” he said. “We don't have a high turnover in employees, but when I need to train a new person, it’s done in three weeks instead of six.” May also noted that Roof Tech’s packaging makes it much faster and easier to get all components onto the roof safely, which saves even more in labor costs.
Nearly 2,000 installations with RT-MINI have made a believer out of May Electric.
“I’ve always been a big believer in trying a product before making any commitment,” May explained. “From the first trial installation on our own headquarters in 2018, we knew RT-MINI was the right product for us. Now we use it on nearly all our shingled roofs for residential jobs, with nearly 2,000 projects completed and many more to come.”
About May Electric Solar
May Electric Solar was founded in 2006 by William May, a master electrician who had previous experience in utility work and roofing. The company has focused on solar electric installation and design for primarily residential customers since 2010. May Electric Solar is headquartered in Hudson, Florida and has 22 employees serving the greater Tampa and Orlando markets. Today, May installs between 4 and 5 megawatts per year without using subcontractors and is one of Florida’s top five solar PV contractors.